Month: August 2016

[Ramblings] on my Pokémon Go experience so far

Bah, I gave myself the challenge to blog consistently this month, so blog consistently I shall. Usually to blog, I pull my inspiration from a photo or write a book review, oh and there is always a good food post to fall back on when I’m in a pinch. However, I do want to push myself a bit and occasionally write about my life. I find blogging about my life intimidating and challenging. I’m not one to share openly… being an introvert and all.

To get lost in this raindrop click for more

Book Review – The Alchemists’ Council by Cynthea Masson

… Alchemy being “a new to me thing”, everything was alien and I didn’t know the rules. For example, here in my reality red and green make yellow. CHECK. However in the world that Cynthea Masson created, you are going to get something completely different and most likely unexpected. Things work completely different there… and often they blew my mind.

To get lost in this raindrop click for more