Month: November 2017

[Book Review] It’s All Relative by A.J. Jacobs

It’s All Relative, a book about genealogy, is not something I would have picked up if it wasn’t infused with something else. A.J. Jacobs filled it with loads of humor, great stories and a mission to create a Global Family Reunion. You are basically along for the ride as Jacobs writes about his own family history, the people he meets along the way and the grand finally of the Global Family Reunion.

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[Book Review] Strange Fire by Tommy Wallach

I know I keep on saying this anytime I read YA, but where were these amazing stories when I was growing up? Now, if I was still in high school (thankfully I’m not) and had to write a book report I’d pick Strange Fire. Wallach packs friendship, family, betrayal, a dusting of romance/lust but more importantly, a very strong religion vs science theme within the pages of Strange Fire.

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