Month: April 2018

[Ramblings] Choosing your next read is like picking a restaurant.

You know that feeling when you finish a good book – No, not the feeling that your best friend is moving away. No, it’s the other emotion – the one that comes right after you’ve cried at the last page or thrown the book across the room because of the ending…… Yes, the anxiety of choosing your next read. Will it be up to your expectations, will it fill that void, and will it be as good as the one I just read. The angst and torment of booklovers everywhere !

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[Book Review] Wildwood by Elinor Florence

Since I read more thrillers these days, Wildwood was a little detour from my “who-dunnit” page-turners. I picked this one up because I liked the premise of the novel; living off the grid is something that appeals to me very much (for like a weekend maybe). Wildwood was a much needed escape into the quiet, haunting Canadian north – a year long journey into the harsh northern landscape and one single mother’s determination to survive.

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